Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Night Bird Ranch in Ledbetter Texas

We are getting settled into our new spot at Night Bird Ranch. The Teague's are wonderful host and we are extremely excited to start working with them. We've been employed to build some shelving for their office and fix up a few things around the ranch.

We have been excited to make this our home the last few days. We really are starting to feel settled into our own bus and then the environment around us. as far as bus chores-we have paired down much more than we expected to with new things leaving the bus daily as we learn to let go of needless items and learn to live fully and in the present.

Nightbird ranch is a delightful place to stay for a night or a week. It has all the things a working Texas Ranch would want to offer. A large fishing pond, a canoe, a large tar to climb. lots of cow patties....... and very (maybe overly) friendly horses and donkeys. Who (if you aren't careful) will walk right up to your bus and pop their nose in through the back door.... Thank goodness its at headlight and these little scoundrels aren't going to be able to squeeze through the doors.

Pulling Wayne down an extremely bumpy dirt road was a little intimidating but we thought thats a rancher and her horses could make it up and down the road here, our little house should be fine too. Everything turned out to be great and we settled into the landscape pretty well.
We were able to dine with friends the first night and getting to catch up with long lost friends as well. Jason and I believe that is so important to hold your friends close especially in the unknown times- like when you live on a bus and you don't know when your next paid work day is coming or where to park.

In the following days we visited Round Top Texas where Teague's Tavern is currently being built in the center of town. It's a beautiful spot on picturesque Texas land. This is also the home of the famous Junk Gypsy workshop and retail space. Now- I need to admit something to y'all... I LOVED their show in TV and have been WAITING SO LONG to come and see their shop. All of the unique findings and inspirations over the years have had to have brought some amazing finds to their unique business.... Unfortunately they say don't meet you heres for a reason. When we arrived at the shop we were greeted by a cute pink station wagon. Once we stepped foot inside it was like a tinkers paradise but also littered with things made in china and your stereotypical tourist junk like lipglosses and hair ties. They had a LOT of cool things inside the shop but Jason and I were sort of unimpressed.

I would rate Night Bird Ranch a 11/10, the family is extremely nice and welcoming. The ranch is beautiful. Its only a few minutes from town but it feels so much further away and they are building a Tavern in town that i am VERY excited that we will be coming back to dine at. The nights are clear and vast and the weather is mostly nice.  We will be back- thats for sure.

Until next time
Adventure is out there.
Blair, Jason and the pups