Friday, March 9, 2018

Garden of the Gods

Garden of the Gods is one of my many favorite places in Colorado.
Origionally it was called the Red Rock Corral by European settlers. "Then, in August 1859, two surveyors who helped to set up Colorado City explored the site. One of the surveyors, M. S. Beach, suggested that it would be a "capital place for a beer garden". His companion, the young Rufus Cable, awestruck by the impressive rock formations, exclaimed, "Beer Garden! Why it is a fit place for the gods to assemble. We will call it the Garden of the Gods." Thanks Wikipedia for that description! 

This geological creation started millions of years ago. There is Archaeological proof that prehistoric people visited the park in 1330 BC. Somewhere around 250 BC Native American people camped there. Its said that there is a strong spiritual connection. Both Jason and I felt that spiritual full while we visited the park as well. The beautiful red rocks feel like sleeping giants who have been preserved over time. 

Garden of the Gods RV park was happy to be our first camp around to host the bus! They were extremely welcoming and even gave us a spot near another Tiny House. (Though no one was home when i went over) Its funny seeing that shorty little bus between such large Camping rigs! We were extremely happy without stay at the park and would park again if we are in this part of the country again.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Cadillac Ranch

Texas is Full of the beautiful and the very weird roadside art. Cadillac Ranch offers a beautiful mix of both. Welcoming you into Amarillo, Tx off of Route 66, the standing classics are a sight for sore eyes when making the track from any major town in the west into Amarillo. For the sounding miles are treacherous and dangerous during a long haul. Jason and I had been driving for 600 miles when we finally reached the outskirts of Amarillo. And to make matters worse, we had just entered a famous Texas Thunderstorm. The storm swirled around us for miles are  finally reached the campground. Pulling into a 1950s themed campground on the Texas plains, in a thunderstorm,  at midnight, after a full day of driving, without eating.......Sort of felt like the prologue of one of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films.

When we woke up the next morning we discovered the crisp air after a huge dirt lifting thunderstorm. the air was foggy and there was a thin layer of frozen snow/frost. So we decided to have a late day and go back to bed with 2 cups of coffee and plan the rest of our decent into Texas.

The frost was lifting as the sun started to break the clouds and we approached the Ranch just after lunch. Once the Sun was high in the sky, winter melted around us.  Seeing a bunch of cars nose down in dirt is like seeing a 1950s space creature. Very Strange.

 A little back history on  Cadillac Ranch.  Created in 1974 by the Artist of Ant Farm- Chip Lord, Hudson Marquez and Doug Michaels. The Cars are Buried Nose-first into the ground at a corresponding angle to that of the Egyptian Great Pyramid of Giza. They pitched the idea to millionaire Stanley Marsh 3 and the ranch was "planted" in 1974  2miles from where they are currently placed. Its reported they were moved quietly in 1997 to their new home further away from the rapidly growing Amarillo Texas.  I took the time to so a nice Handstand to "stand with the cars" or #handstandacrossamerica

Stanley Marsh 3 is a well known prankster millionaire in Amarillo, Tx. While he is best known for Cadillac Ranch, he is also known for "Dynamite Museum" which includes a large amount of mock traffic signs. He was quoted on that "Every sign you see if bossy, we would be better off without them. But since people look at them anyways we are putting our own in".


The Cadillacs have been featured in numerous music videos and movies. They often get a fresh solid coat of paint in honor of events. When Stanley's wife had a birthday the cars were painted pink. In honor of gay marriage being legalized they were painted rainbow and when the artist passed away they were all painted black. 

We left our mark of this one of a kind landmark attraction and plan to come back here every time we pass through the panhandle of Texas. 10/10 would recommend!