Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 3: Floor removal

Day: 3                 Days till move in: 24

Today We removed the rest of the flooring on the bus. The wood around the front and back of the floor were weathered and rotten so severely that I was capable for removing it with my hands. As we moved closer to the center of the bus and farther away from the windows The flooring became harder to remove as it wasn't as exposed to the elements.It took us 2 days but the floor FINALLY came out! There were a couple smashed fingers and even more curse words but at the end everything came out! We were also able to cross off a few more items on our

       MASTER BUS TO DO list:

  • Remove Drivers Seat
  • Remove Air Conditioning box
  • Remove Old Cables and Wires near pedals 
  • Remove & Restore Speed and Gage plate
  • Remove Poles and People Separators 
  • Remove Wasp nest in back speaker box 
  • Snip U shaped metal at end of wall 
  • Sweep/ Vacuums out ALL DIRT
  • Power Wash the Inside & Outside 
  • Scrub good windows 
  • Prep Damaged windows for removal 
  • Prep Back door for paint
(This will grow in time) 

Till next time, Adventure is out there. 

Join us on the adventure at 

Blair, Jason, & the pups. 

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